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2022 Texas Collegiate Super Finals

Last update 24.10.2022 03:37:27, Creator/Last Upload: louis_reed

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Round 4 on 2022/10/23 at 1600 CDT

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
12IMKhanin Semen25583 ½ - ½1 IMMacovei Andrei248012
222IMOzenir Ekin Baris2343 1 - 02 IMGrabinsky Aaron241717
39IMGrinberg Eyal2503½ ½ - ½ FMFus Jakub241718
424Moore Michael18670 0 - 1 GMRahul Srivatshav P249211
58GMBrodsky David25112 ½ - ½2 IMMatviishen Viktor25246
614GMPreotu Razvan2461 1 - 02 IMWang Tianqi243115
75GMSchitco Ivan2530½ ½ - ½2 GMSorokin Aleksey25384
810IMBeradze Irakli24942 1 - 00 Phillips Noah R132029
91IMGazik Viktor2566 1 - 00 WFMBesa Masaiti175825
1016IMPetenyi Tamas24211 0 - 11 IMEscalante Ramirez Brian Sebasti247313
1126Bortolussi Francesco1758½ 0 - 11 GMDragun Kamil25543
1227Horvath Andras16650 0 - 11 IMDruska Juraj25157
1319FMJuksta Karolis24131 0 not paired 
1420IMRautela Saksham24011 0 not paired 
1521FMVivekananthan Anish23561 0 not paired 
1623FMPeycheva Gergana23161 0 not paired 
1728Mccrea Ryan A15230 0 not paired