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Northrift International Chess Championship 2012 - Open

Darrera actualització26.03.2012 18:29:19, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Stephen Kisuze

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Rànquing inicial

1Miheso Chomu ClementKEN2210
2Gilruth PeterKEN2180
3Ssegwanyi ArthurUGA2166
4Bibasa Bob GilbertUGA2160
5Kamoga RajabUGA2121
6Nsubuga HarunaUGA2103
7Kanduho WashabaUGA2100
8Gonza SimonUGA2075
9Kagambi LawrenceKEN2000
10Mony JacktoneKEN2000
11Ambasi MilitsaKEN1950
12Miheso BernardKEN1950
13Nyongesa HumphreyKEN1950
14Ochogo CareyKEN1950
15Oketch DismasKEN1950