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Departamental Paysandu 2022

Last update 19.11.2022 04:54:47, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)

Starting rank list of players

7CMUlaneo Ruben30013693001369URU2221Paysandu
4Ulaneo Matias30010403001040URU2206Paysandu
8Laenen Matias30016363001636URU2184Paysandu
9Maristan Agustin30071703007170URU2055Paysandu
10Campopiano Julio30010593001059URU1933Paysandu
3Pintos Maximiliano30071973007197URU1758Paysandu
6Larrosa Carlos30015203001520URU1508Paysandu
5Chucarro Martin0URU0Paysandu
2Tessadri Lucca9002355URU0Paysandu
1Zeballos Juan9002357URU0Paysandu