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UAE Individual Chess Championship Open 2022

Last update 30.10.2022 16:19:02, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1GMGrivas Efstratios4200039GRE2414
2IMSaeed Ishaq9301453UAE2320
3IMAl Hosani Omran9308733UAE2262
4Abdulrahman Mohammad Al Taher9310258UAE2159
5FMAhmed Fareed9303677UAE2055
6IMSultan Ibrahim9301143UAE2053
7Ali Abdulaziz9304347UAE1949
8Ahmad Al Romaithi9310622UAE1847
9Abdulla Musabbeh Alkaabi9329153UAE1239
10Saeed Abdulhamid Aljaberi9329196UAE1201
11Abdelqadir Abdalla Almulla9319069UAE0
12Abdulla Majed Albedwawi9328076UAE0
13Hassan Mohamad Abdallah209104997FID0
14Ibrahim Abdulla Alhammadi9328068UAE0
15Khalid Obaid Alshaer9328327UAE0
16Mohammad Najemeddin8120358JOR0
17Saeed Saif Alratouq9322736UAE0
18Sajad Ahmed Dar48720399IND0