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Arco 2022 - Blitz tournament

Last update 10.10.2022 23:07:03, Creator/Last Upload: Gerhard Bertagnolli

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
17Turcsanyi Vince GergoHUN20696,546512055
22Bodrogi BendeguzHUN22336,544,549,52027
31FMForgacs Attila Jr.HUN2268646,5512053
43FMLuciani ValerioITA213664649,52077
59Herczeg MarcellHUN2002643,5462008
65Foldes Marton GaborHUN20895,54548,52061
74Bernath BenceHUN21345,54344,52018
811Schellenberg SimonSUI19975,540,5431913
96La Barbera ManfrediITA2071541,5451936
1013Pasti ZsomborHUN1884541,5431946
1114Szakmary DomonkosHUN1862539,5431958
128Mastroddi EmilianoITA2003537,5401861
1319Galliani WilliamITA1749533,5341796
1412Meyer ThomasGER19304,541,5421907
1510Ventura SergioITA199943637,51782
1622Mazatis BenjaminGER1640435,5361793
1720Bergerhoff WilfriedGER172943537,51835
1817Limbrunner StevenGER178143434,51798
1923Calabrese EmilianoITA158143333,51758
2015Joerges FrankGER182243232,51692
2121Schneider PeterGER1643333,5341690
2216Rigo MarcoITA1804231,5321706
2318Trevisan StefanoITA1758130,532,51840
2424Testa AlessandroITA1342129,5311661

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameters)