Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

Please email with player’s FIDE ID and we will send an invoice in the email.
1st prize £200 paid to Peter Lalic (FIDE ID 416711;
2nd prize £100 paid to Kim Yew Chan (FIDE ID 5717981);
Top female £50 paid to Jane Scott (FIDE ID 474061);
Top junior £50 paid to Patrick Damodaran (FIDE ID 465429) £25 and Supratit Banerjee (FIDE ID 2410079) £25;

Oxted FIDE Standard Rating Below 2400 November Tournament ; Maximum entry limit 22 players

Last update 25.11.2022 13:01:47, Creator/Last Upload: ProdigyChess

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Starting rank list

1FMChan Kim Yew5717981MAS231223122284
2CMLalic Peter D416711ENG219721972306
3Rogers Tim L418137ENG201920192136
4AFMLatypova Olga L472476ENG170517051806
5AFMDamodaran Patrick465429ENG166716671871
6Banerjee Supratit2410079SCO153315331696
7Han Qixiang496952ENG147614761587
8Han Qixuan496944ENG146714671607
9Swiatkowski Aram343415210ENG181301813
10Walshe William343413528ENG152301523
11Scott Jane474061ENG133201332
12Horwood Alexander343403905ENG118301183
13Swiatkowski Dominik343415202ENG8550855