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Tokyo Chess Festival 2022 >> Group A

Last update 11.10.2022 03:54:46, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Starting rank list

1CMKobayashi AtsuhikoJPN2323
2AIMHigashishiba TeruomiJPN2062
3Sato KanameJPN2022
4Hirao SatoshiJPN1972
5Sakai EnjuJPN1860
6Kuroda YunosukeJPN1716
7Takata YoshioJPN1628
8Aoki YasuhiroJPN1583
9Tanaka SatoshiJPN1529
10Mukai HiroyukiJPN1525
11ACMGondhalekar MayurUSA1511
12Shimizu KeisukeJPN1498