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19th Dr. Baruah Chess Championship 2022 Under-13

Seinast dagført08.10.2022 07:50:04, Creator: FIDE-Testversion ,Last Upload: Zamtea Hrahsel Saza

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1Aanshik JaishiAUT0Holy Cross School
2Adela ZonuntluangiAUT0Mary Mount School
3Arian SoulAUT0Mary Mount School
4Aryan SinghAUT0Mary Mount School
5Bahaves JaishiAUT0Holy Cross School
6Brenda LallawmzualiAUT0Reiek Govt. Ms
7C. LalmuanzualaAUT0St.Mary's School
8C. LalnunpuiaAUT0Home Missions School
9C. LalthafamkimaAUT0Rosebud School
10C. LalthasangaAUT0Rosebud School
11C. LalvenhimiAUT0Reiek Govt. Ms
12C. VanlalrovaAUT0Mary Mount School
13Caris MalsawmzualiAUT0Rosebud School
14Christopher LalrinthangaAUT0St Lawrence School
15Dino MalsawmdawngzelaAUT0Mary Mount School
16Elizabeth LallawmkimiAUT0Rosebud School
17Eric C. LalhruaitluangaAUT0Rosebud School
18F. LalruatfelaAUT0Gov't Middle School,Nursery Veng
19Gerard Rochanhlua KeivomAUT0Mary Mount School
20Gilchrist HalamAUT0Holy Cross School
21H. LalnunhluiAUT0St Lawrence School
22H. LalrinzualaAUT0Rosebud School
23Hailey LalhruaikimiAUT0Home Missions School
24HmingthansangaAUT0Rosebud School
25Isak ZonunmawiaAUT0Mary Mount School
26J. LaldinpuiaAUT0Hlimen
27J. LalhruaisangiAUT0Mary Mount School
28Jahid AhmedAUT0Home Missions School
29Jayaditya ChowdhuryAUT0Mary Mount School
30Jh LalrinfelaAUT0Rosebud School
31Johnson ZoremtharaAUT0Mary Mount School
32Judy LalhlimpuiiAUT0Rosebud School
33Julian LalpekhluaAUT0Rosebud School
34K. LalruatsakiAUT0Rosebud School
35Kaleb Lalramchhana RalteAUT0Rosebud School
36Lalawmpuii PachuauAUT0Rosebud School
37LalchhandamaAUT0Rosebud School
38LalhlunpuiiAUT0Rosebud School
39LalramlianaAUT0St Lawrence School
40LalremmawiaAUT0Gov't Middle School,Nursery Veng
41LalrinchhhanaAUT0Holy Cross School
42Lalrinfela HauhnarAUT0St Lawrence School
43LalruatdikaAUT0Home Missions School
44LalruatmawiiAUT0Rosebud School
45MalsawmhluaAUT0Home Missions School
46Malsawmhlua PachuauAUT0Rosebud School
47Nicholas LalduhsakaAUT0Rosebud School
48Paul MuansangaAUT0Mary Mount School
49Prashant Kumar MishraAUT0Mary Mount School
50Priya DasAUT0Rosebud School
51R. MalsawmzualaAUT0Rosebud School
52Samuel LalduhsakzualaAUT0Home Missions School
53Samuel LalhmingsangaAUT0Mary Mount School
54Shelly MalsawmsangiAUT0Home Missions School
55Shreyash JoshiAUT0Mary Mount School
56Songmuansang HauzelAUT0Mary Mount School
57Stephen LaldinmawiaAUT0Rosebud School
58Steve LaltlanmawiaAUT0Rosebud School
59Surajit SinghaAUT0Holy Cross School
60Tejas RajkhowaAUT0Mary Mount School
61ThanglaldikaAUT0Rosebud School
62Valentino LallawmawmaAUT0Rosebud School
63VanlalawmpuiaAUT0Home Missions School
64VanlalhmangaihaAUT0Rosebud School
65VanlalhmangaihzualiAUT0Holy Cross School
66VanlalrohluaAUT0Home Missions School
67VanlalruatkimiAUT0Home Missions School
68Vannunhlua RalteAUT0Rosebud School
69Victor LalruatdikaAUT0Gov't Middle School,Nursery Veng
70Vishal ThapaAUT0Holy Cross School
71Zosangzuali HauhnarAUT0Rosebud School
72Brandon LalruatdikaAUT0Reiek Middle School
73Moses Lalnunthara HauzelAUT0Mary Mount School