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Open IRT Liga de Ajedrez de Bogota MARZO

Darrera actualització19.03.2012 16:41:39, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1Becerra Juan David4404998BOG2318
2IMAcosta Alejandro4400089BOG2309
3Perez Olarte Cesar Camilo4403290CUN2242
4FMRuiz Alciguel4400372BOG2233
5Trujillo Otoniel4400747BOG2224
6Pinzon Jairo David4404386BOG2210
7IMGutierrez Herrera Jose Antonio4400100BOG2193
8FMRuiz C Joshua D4400704BOG2178U18
9Pereira Henry Alberto4433270NS2086
10Estrella Becerra Fernando4420900BOG2083
11Acuna Buitrago Camilo Andres4425197BOG2045
12Ceron Juan Carlos4432142BOL2039
13WFMSalcedo Diana4401697BOG2028w
14Santos Morales Natalia Andrea4406540BOG2023w
15Dominguez Rincon Miller4406583BOG2007
16Romo David4421272BOG2003
17Ramirez Jaime Orlando4420144BOG2002
18Casas Cobos Julio Eduardo4424492FA1999
19Bejarano Dany Andres4401700BOG1988
20Avella Rosas Luis Eduardo4409361BOG1987
21Manrique Fernando4417844BOG1980
22Morales Luis Eduardo4411455BOG1945
23Melo Marlon4427068MET1939
24Guio Josue4432150BOG1936
25Fraile Vela Maria Isabel4425901BOG1927wU18
26WCMPanesso Lina4405200BOG1918w
27WFMSalcedo Jackeline4401913BOG1912wU18
28Rivera Camilo Ernesto4426657BOG1901
29Contreras R Wilson Mauricio4426886BOG1861
30Corredor Castellanos Camilo4425871BOG1858U18
31Barbosa Daniela4406222MET1842wU18
32Ribero Guillermo Andres4423208BOG1823U18
33Corredor Jose4417720BOG1790
34Ortegon Villacorte Daniela4407113CUN1786w
35Sabogal Varela Jeison Stiven4427319CUN1738
36Peraza Leonardo4429419CUN1725
37Gomez Helmer AndresBOG1600
38Rosero Hugo Alberto4410769BOG1595
39Nieto Mancilla Frank FernandoBOG0
40Solano Osorio Luis AlbertoBOG0