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39th Bury St Edmunds Congress Minor (U1600)

Last update 16.10.2022 18:36:00, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 2 on 2022/10/15 at 14:00

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
117Goldsmith Jennifer14481 0 - 11 Hardman Danny15931
221Braggins Sebastian14171 0 - 11 Weersing Nathan15465
325Ferris Oliver13711 ½ - ½1 Newton Peter15377
428Duke Taylor13571 0 - 11 Oakden Mark15209
510Sartain Patrick P15191 1 - 01 Stone Peter133531
635Hughes Sophie12991 ½ - ½1 Nettleton Mark A151411
742Hill Martin11421 0 - 11 May David C149313
814Davis Joshua14901 1 - 01 Walker Heather Enid120039
945Avery David10821 0 - 11 Podmore Mervyn J148715
102Joseph Tomy1593½ 1 - 01 Southgate Edmund116241
114Such Daniel1549½ 1 - 0½ Gough Andrew140523
1220Duff-Cole John A1418½ 1 - 0½ Eddershaw John Ht136926
136Welsh David15440 1 - 0½ Coombes Ethan112843
1429Robinson George13550 1 - 00 White Colin V15713
158Hornagold John15280 0 - 10 Holmes Thomas133032
1612Estlea Warwick15080 0 - 10 Driscoll Dennis G132433
1716Bradshaw Craig14510 1 - 00 Dawson Lee130534
1818Rowles Sarah14310 1 - 00 Holmes Alan L128136
1938Rinaldi Filipe12290 0 - 10 Fletcher Martin G142519
2022Brewis Alan14110 0 - 10 Mills Rod A125637
2127Webb Mark13660 1 - 00 Kirby Brian117440
2244Stow James11050 1 bye 
2324Revitt Ian14050 0 not paired 
2430D'amato Emanuele1336½ 0 not paired