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39th Bury St Edmunds Congress Major (U1900)

Last update 16.10.2022 18:39:13, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 3 on 2022/10/15 at 18:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
11Jacob Sydney J18952 1 - 02 Pack James181812
213Tomy Jeff18132 1 - 02 Ibn Saifullah Anas18526
37Cholewinski Jerzy1851 ½ - ½ Nelson Stuart179016
411Barnes Nathan1829 0 - 1 Jones Graeme174521
543Petrovai Robert1552 0 - 11 Hampton Christopher18792
63Daugman John G18711 1 - 01 Bowler Nigel170030
732Galletti Armando16751 ½ - ½1 Gardner Phillip K18508
831Mcmorran Richard16831 ½ - ½1 Esuperanzi Giovanni B178218
933Hynes Tim Ip16751 1 - 01 Jones Chris175020
1024Stokes Richard1730½ ½ - ½1 Bowler Tim159940
1129Medlycott Wayland E17140 1 - 0½ Dickinson Richard136746
1235De Block Gert16540 0 - 10 Richmond Charles J157942
1345Skelton Alexander15000 0 - 10 Connor Barry164536
1439Flynn Chris16090 1 bye 
154Hartland Andrew D18701 ½ not paired 
165Hall Antony C18551 ½ not paired 
179Saines Rod1850 ½ not paired 
1810Gaffney Samuel18332 ½ not paired 
1914Walton Paul1810 ½ not paired 
2015Harper V Ray1790 ½ not paired 
2117Cole Graham L17851 ½ not paired 
2219Irwin James17771 ½ not paired 
2322Blowers Graham K1741 ½ not paired 
2423O'Gorman Brendan17371 ½ not paired 
2525Swiegers Francois17291 ½ not paired 
2626Morrell Andrew1721 ½ not paired 
2727Usher Michael E1721 ½ not paired 
2828Skirrow Chris17201 ½ not paired 
2934Homer Neil S16730 ½ not paired 
3037Pride Stephen C16300 ½ not paired 
3138Palmer Vincent1629½ ½ not paired 
3241Weston John F1598½ ½ not paired 
3344Chadwick Susan E1545½ ½ not paired