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39th Bury St Edmunds Congress Open

Last update 16.10.2022 18:33:50, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMMerry Alan B2515ENG 21w1 8b1 7w1 2b14,50415
2IMPert Richard G2498ENG 18b1 6w1 13b1 3w1 1w041416
3Cole James2033ENG 27b1 20w1 4b1 2b0 6w140414
4Varnam Liam D2191ENG 9w1 22b1 3w0 5b½ 15w13,50,5314
5Pert Nina P1990ENG 20b0 27w1 9b1 4w½ 13b13,50,5312
6Jermy Jaden2070ENG 14w1 2b0 22w1 23b1 3b030314
7Anderson John2199ENG 10b1 23w1 1b0 11w½30216
8White Russell P2156ENG 26w1 1w0 10b½ 14b130213,5
9Lenton Oliver J1985ENG 4b0 -1 5w0 24b1 16w130212
10Pert Max P1989ENG 7w0 25b1 20b½ 8w½ 21b130211
11Bonafont Philip R2032ENG 22w0 26b1 21w1 7b½3029,5
12Majeed Haroon1955ENG 13w0 21b0 -1 17w1 19b13029
13FMWalker Martin G2187ENG 12b1 16w1 2w0 14b½ 5w02,50214,5
14Collins Jonathan L1906ENG 6b0 18w1 17b1 13w½ 8w02,50212,5
15Mcmahon Paul1908ENG 19w½ 24b½ 20w1 4b02,50111,5
16Hutchings Philip J1906ENG 24w1 13b0 19w½ 9b020111
17Elwin Adrian G1994ENG 19b½ 14w0 12b0 26w120110,5
Myall Ivan J1994ENG 2w0 14b0 24w½ 26b½ 22w120110,5
19Hughes Roy2086ENG 15b½ 17w½ 16b½ 12w020011,5
20IMBradbury Neil H2293ENG 5w1 3b0 10w½ 15b0 -01,50115,5
Hutchinson Norman A1997ENG 1b0 12w1 11b0 10w01,50115,5
22Scheffler Konrad1800ENG 11b1 4w0 6b0 25w½ 18b01,50113
23Moyse Nigel J2039WLS 25w1 7b0 6w0 -01,50112,5
24Weersing Abigail R2053ENG 16b0 15w½ 18b½ 9w0 25b½1,50010,5
25Moore Steve N1895ENG 23b0 10w0 22b½ 24w½1,5009,5
26Bowers Francis J1924ENG 8b0 11w0 27b½ 18w½ 17b010011,5
27Beveridge Nigel K1800ENG 3w0 5b0 26w½ -0 -00,50012

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)