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39th Bury St Edmunds Congress Open

Last update 16.10.2022 18:33:50, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 4 on 2022/10/16 at 09:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
12IMPert Richard G24983 1 - 03 Cole James203312
21IMMerry Alan B2515 1 - 0 Anderson John21994
317Pert Nina P19902 ½ - ½2 Varnam Liam D21915
423Collins Jonathan L19062 ½ - ½2 FMWalker Martin G21876
511Moyse Nigel J2039 0 - 12 Jermy Jaden20709
622Mcmahon Paul1908 1 - 0 IMBradbury Neil H22933
718Pert Max P1989 ½ - ½ White Russell P21567
824Hutchings Philip J1906 ½ - ½ Hughes Roy20868
913Bonafont Philip R2032 1 - 0 Hutchinson Norman A199714
1010Weersing Abigail R20531 0 - 11 Lenton Oliver J198519
1120Majeed Haroon19551 1 - 01 Elwin Adrian G199415
1227Scheffler Konrad18001 ½ - ½½ Moore Steve N189525
1321Bowers Francis J1924½ ½ - ½½ Myall Ivan J199416
1426Beveridge Nigel K1800½ 0 not paired