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39th Bury St Edmunds Congress Open

Last update 16.10.2022 18:33:50, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 3 on 2022/10/15 at 18:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
16FMWalker Martin G21872 0 - 12 IMPert Richard G24982
25Varnam Liam D21912 0 - 12 Cole James203312
33IMBradbury Neil H22931 ½ - ½1 Pert Max P198918
49Jermy Jaden20701 1 - 01 Scheffler Konrad180027
515Elwin Adrian G19941 0 - 11 Collins Jonathan L190623
619Lenton Oliver J19851 0 - 11 Pert Nina P199017
716Myall Ivan J19940 ½ - ½½ Weersing Abigail R205310
826Beveridge Nigel K18000 ½ - ½0 Bowers Francis J192421
920Majeed Haroon19550 1 bye 
101IMMerry Alan B25152 ½ not paired 
114Anderson John21992 ½ not paired 
127White Russell P21561 ½ not paired 
138Hughes Roy20861 ½ not paired 
1411Moyse Nigel J20391 ½ not paired 
1513Bonafont Philip R20321 ½ not paired 
1614Hutchinson Norman A19971 ½ not paired 
1722Mcmahon Paul19081 ½ not paired 
1824Hutchings Philip J19061 ½ not paired 
1925Moore Steve N18950 ½ not paired