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2022 National Junior Championships - U14 Category

Last update 09.10.2022 18:13:38, Creator/Last Upload: Ghana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Richardson Mawuli12602736GHA16220Veritas Scholars Academy
2Thakkar Aarush12601756GHA14810Roman Ridge Sch.
3Shah Neev12602841GHA12270Roman Ridge Sch.
4Baffour Longdon ThomasGHA00Tema Int. Sch.
5Egyei-Mensah EmmanuelGHA00Tema Int. Sch.
6Gborglah ElikemGHA00Tema Int. Sch.
7Gyamfi AaronGHA00Gapat Educ Complex
8Imam IsmaelGHA00ICS
9Jonah EdwinGHA00Tema Int. Sch.
10Locoh LucasGHA00Queeen's Int. Sch.
11Okyere RoseGHA00wGapat Educ Complex
12Quainoo VictorGHA00Tema Int. Sch.
13Wahab Hamida AbdulhaladGHA00wRoman Ridge Sch.