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Sunday Sun Set Chess

Last update 02.10.2022 18:16:13, Creator/Last Upload: Rwanda Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Ahirwe AatifRWA0
2Akete AlbertRWA0
3Chawla DevinaRWA0
4Chawla DheerRWA0
5Dominique TheodoreRWA0
6Impano BrightRWA0
7Kagabo M EugeneRWA0
8Kinyua ElvisRWA0
9Murara MaxenceRWA0
10Murenzi HassanRWA0
11Nduwayesu MaranathaRWA0
12Niyibizi Alain PatienceRWA0
13Niyongira FlorentRWA0
14Nzabanita JosephRWA0