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Frances Baard Trials 2022 Adults

Last update 01.10.2022 20:42:20, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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Starting rank

1Zwakala NtandoRSA2083
2Sikwati LizoRSA1899
3Mathebula Xolani CeboRSA1879
4Valashia ItumelengRSA1642
5Seleke PetrusRSA1502S50
6Mokoena JabulaniRSA1450S50
7Magagula ImmanuelRSA1383
8Tswaile KgamanyanaRSA1366S50
9Shabalala AronRSA1364S50
10Kgosi BushyRSA1309S65
11Riet CassiousRSA1302
12Motsamai TshenoloRSA1118
13Gorewang KaraboRSA1105
14Mokoena MojalefaRSA1065
15Appie KabeloRSA0