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Zaibas 2022 09 28

Posledná aktualizácia 28.09.2022 20:49:48, Creator/Last Upload: Siauliu sporto m. "Dubysa"

Search for player Hladaj

Štartová listina

1Pazarauskas Sarunas12849251LTU1360
2Gerasimov Igor12828106LTU1349
3Kungys Deivis12818844LTU1313
4Matulaitis Mantas12813036LTU1279
5Mikolavicius Julius12846279LTU1191
6Scipokaite Deina12828220LTU1186
7Alejunaite Milda12841480LTU1167
8Platbarzdis Domas12835803LTU1117
9Platbarzdyte Ugne12830445LTU1106
10Ramonaite GretaLTU0