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Rogachev Masters 2022

Last update 02.10.2022 12:04:54, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Starting rank list of players

1IMGrib Roman13506706BLR2420
10FMGrigorjev Iljya24159565RUS2404
4FMKononenko Dmitry14113538UKR2306
9IMPakhomov Alexey4129016RUS2305
6IMNovitzkij Dmitrij13500619BLR2269
3Gavrilov Maxim24271454RUS2176
8Leinov Roman13504649BLR2168
2WIMDimitrova Aleksandra24173371RUS2160
7AGMNaumovich Yaroslav13514563BLR2158
5Klachkou Platon13514180BLR2150