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61e Open Mensuel des Echecs de Lomé (OMEL 61)

Last update 01.10.2022 10:39:36, Creator/Last Upload: Togo Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Amewounou Komlan Kouessan21200017TOG1737
2Ajavon Ayayi Jean Le Clair21200394TOG1562
3Semeko Lumen Paco21204160TOG1624
4Numatsi Yawotsu Dzigba21200254TOG1536
5Ayena Yaovi Serge21201994TOG0
6Assagba Kodjo Mawuli21200211TOG1405
7Assogba Itche Paul21202010TOG0
8Bodjona Ricardo21204659TOG0
9Diallo Mamadou21201366TOG1231
10Doumassi Kodjovi Folly Corazon21204586TOG0
11Kpona Aflokou Comla Prosper21201340TOG0
12Okoro Aderemi Bankole Mubarak21200483TOG0
13Yona Koffi Didier21204640TOG0