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Edinburgh Allegro The Dean U1600

Last update 01.10.2022 18:21:10, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1 
11Grant DevanCAN156550
25Boggarapu KritanSCO134440
28Vishwanath AniruddhaSCO83440
49Moroz MichaelSCO12253,50
12Rath SrinivasSCO11843,50
13Railwani TavishSCO11783,50
14Saemundson ThorSCO11433,50
15Del Mar TristanSCO11093,50
36Govind ParasSCO03,50
38Thompson ConnorSCO03,50
112Wilson GrahamSCO144330
4McKinnon GraemeSCO134730
10Lynn AngeloSCO122030
18Wilson FlorenceSCO104930
19Parasur RaghuramSCO103630
24Mitraka ChrysaSCO93830
177Bhatia KanishkaSCO12952,50
17Raja Kumar SriraamIND10952,50
20Al Dakl Alla HumamSCO10312,50
22Semenov IgorSCO9912,50
23Karthick AlaguSCO9532,50
27Kitaev NicholasSCO8352,50
238Cassidy BernardSCO125120
11Devansh ChopraIND119620
26Hunt OsianSCO84420
30Hunt AngharadSCO82020
33Aitken JohnnieSCO020
2816Palaniswamy DrisithSCO11081,50
21Smith MarkSCO10101,50
25Woolven PeterSCO9311,50
34Barakat YounessENG01,50
35Cornick AdamSCO01,50
3329Lee NathanSCO82510
31Kagungila HugoSCO67610
32Dorman PhilipSCO28310
37Sebastian JoelSCO010
39Tuttle SamuelUSA010
383Lohmann ReneGER139000
6Shankar YashwardhanSCO133200

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)