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Clubcompetitie "Het Trouwe Paard" Oostkamp

Last update 24.04.2023 10:59:36, Creator/Last Upload: West Flanders Chess Federation License 3

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Starting rank

1Van Coppenolle Kurt205800V2053
2Piceu Kurt219843V2043
3Larsen Harald205680V1941
4Piceu Jarid241911V1905
5Barzeele Raf204455V1891
6Decroos MarcV1855
7Boydens Wim237566V1777
8Rogiers Jonny220361V1755
9Wydaeghe Peter232238V1736
10Beuselinck RobV1702
11Mortier JanV1700
12Van Coppenolle Lander261807V1712
13Mortier JonahV1515
14Debosschere ChristianV1263
15Riviere YannickV1216
16Maertens FrankV1150
17Van Loocke KoenV1042
18Ahmad Siamand272833V0
19Bal SverreV0
20Defour ElineV0
21Deruwe AndresV0
22Meulemeester JoranV0
23Mahieu GwijdeV1847