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Mauritius Gymkhana Open 2022 - Under 10

Վերջին արդիացում19.09.2022 12:54:20, Creator/Last Upload: SK b4, Mauritius, Ronald Raimbert

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Auckloo Nikhil1101MRI1100
2Bhowany Aaryan1067MRI1100
3Chocalingum Yorsen1114MRI1100
4Dev Vrishab1065MRI1100
5Fook Chong William1127MRI1100
6Gunga Mithilesh1087MRI1100
7Kasprzak Gabriel1096MRI1100
8Lee Phillip1107MRI1100
9Lim Joshua1125MRI1100
10Lim Zac1126MRI1100
11Mungur Lakshay Singh1078MRI1100
12Neermul Yesh Sing1082MRI1100
13Pulikootingal Prajval1083MRI1100
14Rajcoomar Vansh1084MRI1100
15Sajan Tanishka1090MRI1100w
16Seebaluck Arjun1097MRI1100
17Sobha Sufauma Lamaar1076MRI1100w
18Sorabally Muhammad Iyaaz1085MRI1100
19Thakoor Kris Yuvraj1086MRI1100
20Unnithan Karthi792MRI1100
21Panchoory Krishav1118MRI1100
22Randhay Rudrashek1117MRI1100