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Mauritius Gymkhana Open 2022 - Open

Last update 19.09.2022 12:51:21, Creator/Last Upload: SK b4, Mauritius, Ronald Raimbert

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Starting rank list

1Anderson Gavin1058RSA2240
2Lee Luen Mang Stefan844MRI1852
3Sawmynaden Rayen339MRI1831
4Robillard Vincent De857MRI1822
5Jotee Ashvin783MRI1815
6Backory Sanju787MRI1775
7Salhi Zouhaier931MRI1771
8Sawmynaden Righen220MRI1738
9Sawmynaden Vicken929MRI1723
10Daworaj Oomesh49MRI1706
11Baloonuck Rama70MRI1668
12Lam Kin Cheung Stephane922MRI1617
13Beekhy Aamirah114MRI1586w
14Mungroo Arvind1059MRI1570
15Louise Clement846MRI1562
16Acham Meritza315MRI1415w
17Badjate Harsh62MRI1400
18Badjate Viyay1102MRI1400
19Balmes Nerve1094MRI1400
20Beemay-Boodhoo Sindee1093MRI1400w
21Bhujoharry Vincent1120MRI1400
22Cotry Eric1100MRI1400
23Cotte Miguel472MRI1400
24Fidele Agnes425MRI1400w
25Ganeshi Nitisha1109MRI1400w
26Hugnin Julien1121MRI1400
27Huneewooth Raivan961MRI1400
28Jaynut Avinash1110MRI1400
29Jugganaidoo Jean Hughes1116MRI1400
30Kasprzak Pierre Emmamuel1098MRI1400
31Koon David1122MRI1400
32Le Desire Chevrine377MRI1400w
33Luchmun Jeeresh728MRI1400
34Ramtale Bhavish1124MRI1400
35Randhay Rhitisheak1017MRI1400
36Seetulpersand Heena223MRI1400w
37Mooteealoo Jean Christophe1123MRI1400