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Players marked T have already qualified for the Terafinal

2022 UK Chess Challenge Terafinal Challengers Under 18

Last update 18.09.2022 17:32:36, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Starting rank list

1Jackson Edward21083Cs
2Badacsonyi Frankie2067Fortismere
3Somton Anita2004wWest Nottingham
4Kukreja Karan1931King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys
5Kapoor Gurveen1929Maidenhead Junior
6WCMSheikh Anum1903wTWoodford County High
7Maton Emily1881wBeaumont
8Saunders Aron1869Downend & Fishponds
9Walker Max1776Clevedon
10Duke Dillan1756None
11Tarling Adam1681Guildford
12Hamilton Melissa1610wThe Portsmouth Grammar
13Ball Katie C1506wSt Albans
14Pento Maximus1473Rydal Penrhos