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2022 Scholastics U 15 Open Championship

Last update 15.09.2022 22:45:26, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank

1Wilson HannahBAR1573
2Boyce DerickBAR1014
3Barrow JaekebBAR0
4Barrow KhalilBAR0
5Barrow KrishenryBAR0
6Brathwaite SaharaBAR0
7Carew DemarcoBAR0
8Frederick AlexeiBAR0
9Gibson EdenBAR0
10Grant MakaloBAR0
11Greaves ZarekBAR0
12Greenidge SamuelBAR0
13Jaikaran AaronBAR0
14Lashley KeonBAR0
15Lewis NaomiBAR0
16Maxwell NicholasBAR0
17Nurse DanielBAR0
18Pilgrim JoshuaBAR0
19Reid NathanBAR0
20Sinckler MilekeBAR0
21Tash-Turton AndrewBAR0
22Valles Desrochers LiamBAR0
23Williams KanyeBAR0