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NCS Sunday Cup 2022 Open Qualifier #1

Last update 16.10.2022 11:10:30, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Starting rank

1CMTran Thanh TuJPN2554gm3t
2IMNanjo RyosukeJPN2473rnanjo
3FMAoshima MiraiJPN2457Sniper_Boy
4FMBaba MasahiroJPN2419masahirobaba
5Otawa YutoJPN2161zutomayo_fan
6Scott TylerJPN2084Out_of_the_zoo
7AIMHigashishiba TeruomiJPN2057higapon
8Hirao SatoshiJPN1985cobaltcocoa
9Onishi KosukeJPN1784rakko
10Kanda DaigoJPN1747mitojin
11Akagiri YumaJPN1658Buffalo38
12Abe TaroJPN1571t-abe
13Takenouchi AtsushiJPN1553Take_no_uchi
14Sawamura TetsushiJPN1510sawa-yan
15Uehara JunJPN1478jun6-6
16Kato TeruyukiJPN1429kumakumak
17Tsukayama TomokiJPN0tomoki68