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Fall Classic 2022

Last update 13.09.2022 18:16:26, Creator/Last Upload: andrewhite

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Starting rank list

1Cox Valentine10400095BAH1813
2FMMoncur Cecil10400583BAH1806
3Barker Shawn30963125USA1644
4Pride Curtis10401199BAH1600
5Lockhart Kenville10400699BAH1555
6Albury Noah10401130BAH1505
7Thomas Nelissa10400494BAH1488
8Skinner Francis10400796BAH1441
9Pride Avian10401202BAH1214
10Pinder Trinity10400818BAH1212
11Pride Chika10401601BAH1024
12Fountain Harold10401792BAH0
13Joseph Marfeeyou10400893BAH0