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2022 Majantja Chess Showdown

Last update 10.09.2022 16:47:39, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Lesotho

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Starting rank

1Bofelo PitsoLES0
2George MahomedLES0
3Khalema SechabaLES0
4Khosola TumeloLES0
5Leleka ThapeloLES0
6Leluma SentleLES0
7Makhalemele LieketsengLES0
8Mohapi ItumelengLES0
9Mohatlane LitebohoLES0
10Molefe TaemaneLES0
11Motlhokoa SetlhoLES0
12Motlhokoa TlotlisangLES0
13Motlhokoa TlotlisoLES0
14Motlomelo MonahengLES0
15Motumi MolebatsiLES0
16Mutla PotlakiLES0
17Motseki TlhalefoLES0
18Sofonia LibeLES0
19Thamae LetileLES0
20Tlaitlai RelebeletseLES0
21Serobanyane ThabeloLES0
22Phohlo SethoLES0
23Qeki MonwabisiLES0