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Offene Halleiner Schnellschachtunier 2023 Staffel 3

Last update 11.05.2023 16:20:41, Creator/Last Upload: SCHACHLANDESVERBAND SALZBURG

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Starting rank

1Halilovic Husejin14401320BIH1955Hallein
2Hauthaler Mario1611313AUT1952Hallein
3Buchner Martin1615815AUT1936Hallein
4Kipman Felix1653105AUT1628Hallein
5Hake Nils34604022GER1461Hallein
6Valjevac Aziz1659936AUT1455Hallein
7Manzella Gerhard1683667AUT1285Hallein
8Ertugrul Ege1670476AUT1251Hallein