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Nationale Jeugdkampioenschappen 2022 U-10 Jongensklasse

Last update 07.09.2022 13:39:29, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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Starting rank

1Bridjlal AyushSUR0SCW
2Chotkan RithvikSUR0SCW
3Jagessar DhruvSUR0HJP
4Laurens IchyreauSUR0Suriname Chess Academy
5Lee AydenSUR0FFM
6Lou Jun MingSUR0Sana Budaya
7Mac Lean JaironSUR0Suriname Chess Academy
8Pachai ShiwinSUR0Suriname Chess Academy
9Pengel JeremySUR0SCW
10Radja NikhilSUR0SCW
11Ramsaran VeerSUR0CSV
12Tjon Hing NathanSUR0Suriname Chess Academy
13Watson EdenSUR0FFM
14Zeng JaydenSUR0CSV