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Ekurhuleni Chess Springs club Open 03Sep2022 SectionA

Last update 03.09.2022 19:58:41, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 95)

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Starting rank

1IOatlhotse ProvidenceRSA2169
2Masiya MfundoRSA2059
3Tshetlo TshepoRSA1914
4Makhosonke KuhlaseRSA1891
5Nel AndreRSA1810
6Price DaelenRSA1726
7Leseyane ObakengRSA1630
8Phala ArthurRSA1616
9Chiliza VusumuziRSA1606
10Waleza FreddyRSA1592
11Malepeng StRSA1521
12Lemme TumeloRSA1505
13Jaitas KittisakRSA1447
14Jaitas WorapatRSA1405
15Nkomo BenRSA1402
16De Meyer RicoRSA1343
17Labuschagne IvanRSA1324