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960 TSM

Darrera actualització27.08.2022 17:53:36, Creador/Darrera càrrega: TSM Schëffleng

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Rànquing inicial

1Ludewig RobertLUX1860
2Schuller J.-C.LUX1820
3Adami EricLUX1650
4Witry AndréLUX1500
5Kessler LussLUX1410
6Clement DaveLUX1279
7Probst ViktorLUX1260
8Benismail ElyasLUX1250
9Clement DanaLUX1225
10Clement GuyLUX1200
11Du BoleLUX1200
12Du BoruiLUX1200
13Du ShangjunLUX1200
14Hosch ColinLUX1200