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13th European Individual Chess Championship 2012

Last update 31.03.2012 17:45:45, Creator/Last Upload: Bulgarian Chess Federation

Player overview for MDA

24GMBologan Viktor2687MDA½111011011½871011,50
54GMIordachescu Viorel2644MDA½011½½½0½105,517410-21,00
221IMBaltag Iulian2420MDA0½1½½0101015,519010-0,30

Results of the last round for MDA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMBologan Viktor2687 ½ - ½ GMMalakhov Vladimir2705
GMIordachescu Viorel2644 0 - 1 GMGabrielian Artur2554
IMBaltag Iulian2420 1 - 0 FMAharon Ofir2288

Player details for MDA

GM Bologan Viktor 2687 MDA Rp:2768 Pts. 8
1198IMHunt Adam C2454ENG5w ½0,79-0,2910-2,90
2200IMZaslavsky Mikhail2450ISR5s 10,800,20102,00
3124GMBosiocic Marin2562CRO6w 10,670,33103,30
493GMPopov Ivan2605RUS5w 10,610,39103,90
580GMKuzubov Yuriy2615UKR7s 00,60-0,6010-6,00
679GMLupulescu Constantin2616ROU6s 10,600,40104,00
767GMMelkumyan Hrant2628ARM7w 10,580,42104,20
863GMMatlakov Maxim2632RUS8s 00,58-0,5810-5,80
971GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2626GEO7w 10,580,42104,20
1060GMJones Gawain C B2635ENG7,5s 10,570,43104,30
1110GMMalakhov Vladimir2705RUS8w ½0,470,03100,30
GM Iordachescu Viorel 2644 MDA Rp:2497 Pts. 5,5
1228IMBaratosi Daniel2407ROU5w ½0,80-0,3010-3,00
2222IMAzaladze Shota2419GEO6,5s 00,78-0,7810-7,80
3232IMBejtovic Jasmin2403BIH4,5w 10,800,20102,00
4184IMFilip Lucian2483ROU5,5s 10,710,29102,90
5151GMPap Gyula2538HUN5,5w ½0,64-0,1410-1,40
6139GMMaiorov Nikita2552BLR5,5s ½0,63-0,1310-1,30
7129GMPopovic Dusan2561SRB5w ½0,61-0,1110-1,10
8137GMProhaszka Peter2553HUN6s 00,62-0,6210-6,20
9178GMJianu Vlad-Cristian2497ROU5,5w ½0,70-0,2010-2,00
10175GMKabanov Nikolai2502RUS5,5s 10,690,31103,10
11135GMGabrielian Artur2554RUS6,5w 00,62-0,6210-6,20
IM Baltag Iulian 2420 MDA Rp:2415 Pts. 5,5
147GMTimofeev Artyom2650RUS7w 00,21-0,2110-2,10
2318Barta Jozsef2148HUN3s ½0,83-0,3310-3,30
3322Berman Mark2129ISR4w 10,850,15101,50
4109GMMista Aleksander2587POL5,5s ½0,280,22102,20
5123GMLintchevski Daniil2564RUS7w ½0,310,19101,90
6121GMChatalbashev Boris2570BUL6s 00,30-0,3010-3,00
7299Vlashki Nino2258BUL4,5w 10,710,29102,90
8131GMRapport Richard2559HUN6s 00,31-0,3110-3,10
9296Kjurkchiiski Georgi2266BUL4w 10,710,29102,90
10149GMZoler Dan2541ISR6s 00,34-0,3410-3,40
11288FMAharon Ofir2288ISR4,5w 10,680,32103,20