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13th European Individual Chess Championship 2012

Last update 31.03.2012 17:45:45, Creator/Last Upload: Bulgarian Chess Federation

Player overview for SWE

146GMGrandelius Nils2545SWE110011½001½6106107,50

Results of the last round for SWE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMGrandelius Nils2545 ½ - ½ GMRoiz Michael2652

Player details for SWE

GM Grandelius Nils 2545 SWE Rp:2588 Pts. 6
1320Marjanovic Dejan2132BIH4,5w 10,890,11101,10
251GMSocko Bartosz2647POL5,5s 10,360,64106,40
367GMMelkumyan Hrant2628ARM7w 00,39-0,3910-3,90
429GMSargissian Gabriel2674ARM7,5s 00,33-0,3310-3,30
5240IMKanmazalp Ogulcan2389TUR5,5w 10,710,29102,90
659GMNyback Tomi2636FIN6s 10,380,62106,20
773GMVolkov Sergey2623RUS7w ½0,390,11101,10
847GMTimofeev Artyom2650RUS7s 00,36-0,3610-3,60
977GMAndriasian Zaven2616ARM7w 00,40-0,4010-4,00
10218IMIvanov Alexey2424RUS5s 10,660,34103,40
1146GMRoiz Michael2652ISR6w ½0,350,15101,50