Prize ceremony for class A, B, C, D and E will be in the restaurant as soon as possible after all games (in all classes) have finished. Nordic Youth Chess Championship 2022 Class A Senast uppdaterad28.08.2022 21:42:41, Creator/Last Upload: Josef HÃ¥kanson
Nr. | | | Namn | Fide-ID | Nation | Rating |
1 | | IM | Stefansson Vignir Vatnar | 2308649 | ISL | 2445 |
2 | | FM | Torngren Gustav | 1728970 | SWE | 2247 |
3 | | | Mai Alexander Oliver | 2313391 | ISL | 2158 |
4 | | | Muntean Victor | 1054414 | SWE | 2125 |
5 | | AIM | Koch-Muller Oscar | 1447955 | DEN | 2077 |
6 | | | Hausken Andreas Skrede | 1533100 | NOR | 2042 |
7 | | | Petersen Daniel | 1466577 | DEN | 1966 |
8 | | | Skahlberg Bjerknes-Lima De Faria Warg | 1738100 | SWE | 1778 |
9 | | | Halvorsen Benjamin | 1516604 | NOR | 1767 |
10 | | | Morkore Rogvi | 7202563 | FAI | 1727 |
11 | | | Hannesarson Silas G. | 7203845 | FAI | 1651 |
12 | | | Tuominen Matias | 514900 | FIN | 1560 |