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Festival Paraibano de Xadrez 2022 - IRT Clássico (19 a 21/08)

Last update 21.08.2022 19:02:32, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank list

1NMJordao Barbosa Marcio272452116219BRA21182169RN
2NMDa Silva Tomaz Luiz Antonio352452131420BRA20982160PB
3Prado Oliveira Fellipe269702114895BRA18951959RN
4Silva Carolina Alves328122123940BRA18562005RN
5Picasso Gallego Nicolas63332275414ESP17771875AV
6NMDe Lima Theo Magalhaes5149622725490BRA16201910RN
7Brambilla Renee Blandy T.269692115085BRA15971856RN
8Silva Antonio Murilo De Melo5008522716912BRA15681778RN
9Da Silva Maria Gabriele336952171384BRA14371784RN
10Da Silva Cibele Florencio307622116901BRA14231783RN