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Torneo Heroes Food (297074)

Last update 22.08.2022 01:55:50, Creator/Last Upload: Josue Amaya

Starting rank list of players

5Avendano Porras Rodrigo6503357CRC2007Heredia
8Quesada Guevara Max6525113CRC1680Club Uvieta
3Jiron Beirute Adrian6530834CRC1663Club Uvieta
6Barrantes Batalla Gerardo6523196CRC1519Club Uvieta
2Corrales Mora Fernando6523218CRC1486Club Uvieta
4Baum Gutierrez Ismael6505392CRC1475Club Uvieta
1Espinoza Cortes Miguel Angel6521177CRC1402Club Uvieta
7Obregon Rojas Edgar6520588CRC1400