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UJ Fundraising tournament Section - B

Last update 13.08.2022 21:26:37, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 75)

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Starting rank

1Mdlalose MosesRSA1477
2Mlambo IshmaelRSA1442
3Makwana AdolfRSA1404
4Essop RashiedRSA1380
5Motaung KaraboRSA1350
6Masesane BenjaminRSA1311
7Pillay NicoRSA1303
8Mpumpa KitayaRSA1293
9Xulu ThandokuhleRSA1283
10Williams Mohua BentonRSA1275
11Tsikoane KamoheloRSA1260
12Balassis PetroRSA1254
13Goge ThobelaRSA1210
14Thorulsley KairaavRSA1146
15Mbambo SifisoRSA1130
16Matsebula SfisoRSA1093
17Buthelezi ThabaneRSA901
18Liao JingpuRSA873
19Mncube MbusoRSA729
20Kumalo AmkelweRSA711
21Bakali NelsonRSA0
22Kingsbury JeremyRSA0
23Mabunda MatimbaRSA0
24Makhubela Samuel,ThabisoRSA0
25Mamabolo Taelo,InnocentRSA0
26Mavuso ThokozaniRSA0
27Mogale TumeloRSA0
28Molefe MothabisiRSA0
29Molope GilbertRSA0
30Muavha BradleyRSA0
31Munenga Isheanesu DylanRSA0
32Seitsang Orebotse,CliffordRSA0
33Yoko Christopher DavidRSA0