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Joukkuepikashakin SM 2022, Ryhmä 3

Senast uppdaterad17.08.2022 15:27:49, Creator: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 39),Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 11)

Search for team Sök


Plac.Lag123456789101112131415161718192021222324 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1TSY 2 * 3332133342444633818
2MatSK 5 * 33½233321423459,53315
3TuTS 21 * ½2232243343593616
4OSS 211 * 33324233433593416
5Jarin Baari1 * 2233133444583014
6HSK 21212 * 23432343332357,53314
7KarhTS22 * 322233413454,52912
8PSY 32121½½ * 1232433233233512811
9HSK 3½11113 * 2103233333350,52813
10Gambiitti 63½½212222 * 1332242332349,5279
11JärvSK½01½3 * 4322348,52612
12MatSK 412202143 * 12212448,52610
13VammSK 4112½103 * 33331344,52311
14JyS (Laihoset)1212011 * 223212443,5186
15HämSK 301311122 * 232442,5166
16MikkSK121½21122112 * 1143341,5176
17Pässi 3130102101223 * 31232239,5207
18JyS 200011½213 * 22338198
19VammSK 5½2½11123½1012 * 2337,5166
20Aatos 4111311½212½13 * 2236124
21KarjUra 22½½112½12½3½222 * 1235,5154
22TuTS 3001021112322112 * 2235154
23PaimSK00101121002½32 * 227,561
24LauttSSK 30½1½0101½101½2112222 * 24,571

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break3: Matchpoints (variabel)