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Joukkuepikashakin SM 2022, Ryhmä 1

Senast uppdaterad17.08.2022 15:27:07, Creator: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 39),Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 11)

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Plac.Lag123456789101112131415161718192021222324 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1KarjUra 1 * 3232324333344370,54119
2TammerSh1 * 23323224433124603515
3SeinSK 122 * 2½332432224433603514
4Pässi 2112 * 222443332433573113
5HSK 1212 * 12222324563112
6Gambiitti 3212 * 222224553112
7Aatos 311½23 * 12223224233512911
8I-HSK 1222½ * 122232241249258
9Helsinki Street Chess 1½2103 * 1212133346,52511
10KokkSK0022323 * 22½222346248
11EtVaS 3120½22 * 22145,52510
12Helsinki Street Chess 2½½1½½2222 * 13324345239
13TSY 1101132 * 222343,5229
14KS-58 2122½ * 12143,5219
15KSY 2½01½22½3 * 2232242,5228
16JoeSK 211222½232 * 322242,5164
17MatSK 3½12½22221 * 3239144
18LahS 312½21022½2212 * 238,5185
19AkaaS 1½22231½ * 22238,5123
20VammSK 3½3001½2311212 * 337,5156
21OSS 10202½021½232½2 * 37186
22HyvSK0½122½½22 * ½35,5145
23POKS1½1½01½½23022221½ * 233165
24LUT½011011111½2 * 31,594

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break3: Matchpoints (variabel)