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4th Int. Open Chess Tournament 'Alexander the Great' 2012

Last update 22.04.2012 14:01:42, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Club Union

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Starting rank list

1GMAntic DejanSRB2513
2GMMastrovasilis AthanasiosGRE2510
3GMDrenchev PetarBUL2499
4Galopoulos NikolaosGRE2430
5GMHaznedaroglu KivancTUR2419
6IMKanmazalp OgulcanTUR2389
7IMPein MalcolmENG2382
8IMSkytte RasmusDEN2376
9WGMStojanovic AndjelijaSRB2324
10FMAli Marandi Cemil CanTUR2315
11WIMDrljevic LjiljaSRB2278
12FMGogolis AlexandrosGRE2245
13FMTassopoulos MariosGRE2222
14WIMDjukic SandraSRB2203
15Miskulin DennisSWE2188
16Tsarouhas VasiliosGRE2139
17Franco WilliamCOL2097
18Sanders Isaac BENG2097
19Xaxiris EGRE2062
20Avagianos SimeonGRE2060
21Haria RaviENG2060
22Spirliadis AchileasGRE2053
23Lappas KonstantinosGRE2032
24Papasimakopoulos AlexandrosGRE2019
25Grapsa GeorgiaGRE2018
26Ryabov IgorRUS2009
27Rautanen SariFIN2005
28Ladopoulos DimitriosGRE1968
29Marantidis PanagiotisGRE1924
30FMIoannidis EvgeniosGRE1908