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Tournament Organiser: GM Attila Czebe
Tournament venue:Danubius Hotel Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 47

Vezerkepzo Summer GM Tournament 2022

Last update 05.08.2022 15:18:07, Creator/Last Upload: dombi rudolf

Starting rank list of players

5GMAczel Gergely727709HUN2499
7IMGalyas Miklos707244HUN2466
3CMPrraneeth Vuppala46622373IND2457
9GMMirzoev Azer13400304AZE2424
8IMKrstulovic Alex760056HUN2413
2IMSetyaki Azarya Jodi7101589INA2404
10GMSeres Lajos701254HUN2375
6FMPeczely Sebastian Zsombor750964HUN2371
4FMMakkar Rajat36016810FRA2336
1WIMSharma Isha35006665IND2236