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2014 International Chess Day

Last update 26.07.2022 19:29:55, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

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Starting rank

1FMMesfin Leykun15700097ETH2071
2CMJimma Desalegn Fekadu15700070ETH2069
3CMAbera Aydagnuhem Gezachew10801839ETH2058
4Moges Flower Habtu15701662ETH1995
5Tsige Addisalem Temesgen15700160ETH1981
6Altaye Girum Teklewold15700356ETH1952
7Gole Habtamu Ashenafi15702847ETH1932
8Badene Habtamu Bayu15707598ETH1927
9Shiferaw Yalemzewde Mekonnen15700470ETH1902
10Yirga Nigussie Mitiku15700534ETH1896
11Tolu Behailu Workneh15702405ETH1873
12Hagos Gebrehiwot Gebremariam15703975ETH1845
13Altaye Hailu Teklewold15700372ETH1768
14Abera Reesom Bisrat15702413ETH1711
15Haile Lidet Abate15702073ETH1646
16Woldeselassie Ermias Teklemariam15704025ETH1589
17ACMErmias Caleb Yared15708977ETH1543
18Siraj Meksud Abderkader15704076ETH1510
19Weldeyohanes Yosef Beyene15707717ETH1509
20Abduselam Ibrahim Murad15708225ETH1501
21Bantiwalu Aster Melake15702081ETH1455
22Beyene Dawit Befekadu15709035ETH1451
23Ayele Hana Mulugeta15707687ETH1383
24Adebo Samuel Simon15708438ETH1367
25Abera Mekdes Demssie15701964ETH1263
26Mekonen Selemawit Kidanemaryam15704467ETH1139
27Assefa Kaleb Markos15709973ETH0
28Bayisa Gadaa Nanbonii15709981ETH0
29Gonfa Semere Kibebe15709663ETH0
30Ismael Muluka Fethi15708209ETH0
31Nugusse Dejen Zelalem15700763ETH0
32Rorisa Nanbonii Bayisa15709990ETH0
33Salih Ahyan Najib15709965ETH0
34Soresa Zelalem Masresha15708233ETH0
35Yesuneh Zemikael Tingrtu15710009ETH0