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A nine-round Swiss tournament organised by Atticus Chess Club in Liverpool

Wiseman-Hurley Open 2022

Last update 22.08.2022 23:19:23, Creator/Last Upload: Sanjoy Banerjee

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Starting rank

1Williamson Roger G414620ENG2235Aigburth
2Kee Steve435945ENG2070Atticus
3Horton Colin D404705ENG2049Waterloo
4Williams John PENG2031Atticus
5Boumphrey Luke S401315ENG2011Atticus
6Campbell Ian415219ENG1946Aigburth
7Coffey Mike J462985ENG1941Wallasey
8Hawkins James N409928ENG1870Liverpool
9Ewart Brian R415065ENG1841Atticus
10Harrison RonENG1820Prescot & Knotty Ash
11Kumar JamieENG1817Liverpool
12Ramsey PhilENG1753Southport
13Banerjee Sanjoy K462799ENG1708Atticus
14Ellington BenENG1707Atticus
15Wadsworth Mark S436151ENG1690Atticus
16Lacey MikeENG1683Liverpool
17Webb Tom EC445096ENG1680Atticus
18Lee JordanENG1667Liverpool
19Bond AlistairENG1666Aigburth
20Mellor Peter3234827AUS1637Liverpool
21Kane SeanENG1628Aigburth
22Butterworth Joe WENG1605Prescot & Knotty Ash
23Philp Steven436062ENG1604Atticus
24Jenner PeterENG1586Southport
25Winstanley SteveENG1527Atticus
26Haddy NathanENG1524Atticus
27Cannon GSENG1501Atticus
28Wilson BENG1437Atticus
29McGarry Keeghan1431Liverpool
30Gannon Ben1418Liverpool
31Dickens Jordan0Atticus
32Pickering John0Atticus