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2022 UK Chess Challenge Southern Gigafinal Under 8 Boys A

Last update 23.07.2022 19:13:28, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Starting rank

1Banerjee Supratit1717Brook Field Primary
2Keshari Krish1525Chess With Dino
3Kumar Sachin1329Chess Rising Stars Academy
4Cao Da1328Harrow
5Maitret Victor1257None
6Kruger Derik1172Thes At Somerhill
7Gedge Joshua1155The Gerrards Cross Cofe
8Bogerd Ethan1154Richmond Juniors
9Sriram Gautam1119None
10Wang Hantin1096St. Mary's Shenfield
11Chotai Rishi1059Harrow
12Patel Zayn1029Fairfield Preparatory
13Shah Sayam1016Haberdashers' Aske's Boys
14Helsby Matthew975None
15Kantaria Shivam971Edgware Gambits
16Xiong Yichen971Richmond Juniors
17Walker Rhys946Downend & Fishponds
18Garg Vihaan900William Ransom Primary
19Shembekar Rudra880Emmer Green Primary
20Janarthen Arjunan868Epsom Junior
21Moiseev Mikhail858Chess Challengers Club
22Teng Daniel840The Perse
23Sudagar Vidhyuth Kavin833Abbott
24Ho Aiden828Blue Coat Harborne
25Krautzberger Christian821Newton Preparatory
26Rajpal Kian803Latchmere
27Yeung Jia-Arn802Camberley Juniors
28Dobrokhotov Lev801None
29Stainthorpe Kit787Forest Hall Junior
30Nehra Ishan778Banstead Preparatory
31Mahadevan Siddarth764Kew College
32Ravaendhran Brinthan764Uxbridge Junior
33Rangula Rudransh Goud757John Locke Academy
34Shulman Leonard749Churchfields Infants
35Bui Anh Tu738Taunton
36Hu Hector737St Johns Clifton
37Ng Kyan728Guildford Juniors
38White Alexei703Avalon
39Yang Rui672West House
40Aherne-Conroy Henry605Crosfields
41Constantopoulos Massimo555Mosaic Jewish Primary
42Ooi Allen537Summer Fields
43Agbota Fiyon435Montpelier Primary
44Crook James0Montpelier Primary
45Gao Steven0Newton Preparatory
46Tian Haris0Middleton Primary