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Brasileiro de Jovens 2012 - Absoluto

Last update 22.02.2012 11:47:01, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank list

1FMBueno Alfeu Junior Varela2108879BRA2305
2Quintiliano Pinto Renato R2117568BRA2263
3WFMFeliciano Ebert Vanessa2114160BRA2194w
4Mendonca Mateus Nakajo2110954BRA2158
5Cruz William Ferreira Da2118050BRA2152
6Mandetta Joao Danilo2122928BRA2141
7Rodrigues Tiago Pereira2101203BRA2119
8Pirola Claudionor Alcides Lima2130556BRA2101
9Brandao Renan Alves2115905BRA2096
10Barbosa Fernando2103257BRA2086
11Rodrigues Bruno Morado2115654BRA2066
12Alvarenga De Carvalho Miguel A2133466BRA2062
13Carvalho Rafael Cunha De2106035BRA2053
14Abdalla Jose Lucas Aurelli2111608BRA2050
15Saito Vinicius2113384BRA2042
16Sztokbant Bernardo Vainzoff2115956BRA2016
17Devescovi Parreira Pedro Paulo2129663BRA2008
18Vizzotto Bernardo2127822BRA1991
19Dos Santos Lucas Aparecido2138409BRA1983
20WFMPereira Amanda Marques2114003BRA1981w
21Da Silva Junior Sediney Mari2132079BRA1962
22Poeta Caio Medeiros2142660BRA1931
23Gotz Klaus Seiji Furucho2122430BRA1929
24Ferreira Marcone Fiuza2127458BRA1927
25Evangelista Jr Ademar Pereira2118351BRA1921
26Cirilo Guilherme De Araujo2114577BRA1920
27Rogani Bruno2102358BRA1918
28Araujo Renan Aparecido2135191BRA1918
29Roverso Leandro2122642BRA1913
30Araujo Leonardo Augusto De2141558BRA1906
31Rodrigues Fernanda Dos Santos2113902BRA1902w
32Awoki Daniel Teidi2100827BRA1900
33Pinto Rendrex Lopes2115484BRA1890
34Pereira Andre Marques2116774BRA1867
35Takeda Lucas Koji2122952BRA1862
36Silva Alexandre Freitas Souza2114542BRA1840
37Goncalves Leonardo Yamamoto Po2122901BRA1821
38Santana Eduardo Rigonatti2127814BRA1784
39Bufalo Alexander Davidson2113082BRA1752
40De Assis Henrique Zerbini J2103605BRA1735
41Correia Vitor Paie2134233BRA1504
42Custodio Leandro2126990BRA0
43Melges RodrigoBRA0SP
44Klausener Patrick Hideo Iritan2137992BRA0
45Kojima Gabriel Rogerio AguilarBRA0SP
46De Almeida Jefferson Silva2147092BRA0
47Sakamoto Rodrigo KojiBRA0SP