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Tournament Organiser: GM Attila Czebe
Tournament venue:Danubius Hotel Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 47

Vezerkepzo July I IM Tournament 2022

Darrera actualització26.07.2022 14:21:52, Creador/Darrera càrrega: dombi rudolf

Llista del rànquing inicial

9GMMirzoev Azer13400304AZE2424
2IMTo Nhat Minh729019HUN2335
6IMTompa Janos700193HUN2324
4WIMCastrillon Gomez Melissa4402413COL2230
3Konyves Almos785911HUN2229
8CMXie Felix4308174NZL2224
1CMAslanov Umid13412620AZE2193
5WIMChirivi C Jenny Astrid4403061COL2157
7FMLyell Mark402354ENG2140
10Shivika Rohilla45015414IND1973