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German Masters 2022

Last update 24.08.2022 15:22:55, Creator/Last Upload: GJO

Starting rank list of players

10GMKeymer Vincent12940690GER26722666OSG Baden-Baden
4GMKollars Dmitrij12909572GER26432656SF Deizisau
8GMSvane Rasmus4657101GER26402632Hamburger SK von 1830
7GMHuschenbeth Niclas24604747GER26072600FC Bayern München
3GMFridman Daniel11600454GER26062598SV Mülheim-Nord 1931
6GMBraun Arik4663527GER25942580SC Viernheim 1934
2GMEngel Luis12961523GER25572565Hamburger SK von 1830
5GMSvane Frederik12923044GER25472573Hamburger SK von 1830
9IMRosner Jonas24608513GER24642459SK 1926 Ettlingen
1FMKölle Tobias16207378GER24332418TSV Schönaich