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Tournament Organiser: GM Attila Czebe
Tournament venue:Danubius Hotel Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 47

Vezerkepzo July I GM Tournament 2022

Darrera actualització26.07.2022 13:33:58, Creador/Darrera càrrega: dombi rudolf

Llista del rànquing inicial

5GMAveskulov Valeriy14109743UKR2527
7IMNemeth Miklos720232HUN2461
1IMValderrama Quiceno Esteban Alb4442024COL2436
10GMArenas David4403177COL2426
6GMRios Cristhian Camilo4403940COL2399
2FMCsiki Endre775126HUN2388
9FMVarga Csaba Zoltan724335HUN2386
4FMMakkar Rajat36016810FRA2336
3FMAarav Dengla45059756IND2309
8WIMSharma Isha35006665IND2236